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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Andromeda, the Chained Princess

Lepus, the Hare

Aquarius, the Water Bearer

Libra, the Scales

Aquila, the Eagle

Lyra, the Lyre

Ara, the Altar

Boötes, the Bear Driver

Aries, the Ram

Microscopium, the Microscope

Auriga, the Charioteer

Monoceros, the Unicorn

Camelopardalis, the Giraffe

Orion, the Hunter

Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs

Pegasus, the Winged Horse

Canis Major, the Great Dog

Perseus, the Hero

Carina, The Keel

Pisces, the Fishes

Cancer, the Crab

Canis Minor, the Lesser Dog

Caelum, the Sculptor’s Cheasel

Pisces, the Fish

Capricornus, the Sea Goat

Piscis Austrinus, the Southern Fish

Cassiopeia, the Queen

Puppis, the Stern

Cepheus, the King

Pyxis, the Compass

Cetus, the Whale or Sea Monster

Sagitta, the Arrow

Columba, the Dove

Sagittarius, the Archer

Corona Borealis, the Crown

Scorpius, the Scorpion

Cygnus, the Swan

Sculptor, the Sculptor

Delphinus, the Dolphin

Scutum, the Shield

Draco, the Dragon

Serpens Caput, the Serpent's Head

Equuleus, the Little Horse

Taurus, the Bull

Gemini, the Twins

Triangulum, the Triangle


Ursa Major, the Great Bear

Lacerta, the Lizard

Ursa Minor, the Little Bear

Leo Minor, the Little Lion

Vulpecula, the Fox